4 Different Types of Storm Windows

There are many kinds of storm windows suitable for helping make your home energy efficient through winter. It is important to decide how much you want to spend and how you want your window to look, before you decide on the kind of storm window you prefer. Below is a list of four types to choose from.

different Types of Storm Windows

  1. Exterior storm windows – These must be made from lasting material and should be maintained well. It is important to ensure that a drainage hole should be left, to let moisture escape. This is why exterior storm windows are not completely air tight and will cause some energy to be lost.
  2. Interior storm windows – These storm windows are easy to install and to take down. This is ideal for people who prefer to maintain the original look of the outside of their homes. They save you more energy than exterior storm windows. Interior storm windows seal tightly with the existing window glass. You must ensure that you repair house windows before installing storm windows.
  3. Cheap disposable storm windows – Many hardware stores supply DIY storm window kits that are manufactured from plastic or vinyl which can be applied to your window. This is a good short-term option if you would rather not spend money on an expensive storm window. However, due to harmful rays from the sun, it would have to be replaced often.
  4. Glass or plastic storm windows – There are many different types of glass and plastic storm windows, depending on your budget. They are easy to install and quite strong. They offer a great level of insulation and you may even opt to have them tinted.

Storm windows vs Casement windows

Many people mistaken casement windows for storm windows however, the former is a window system that that allows the window to swing on a hinge. The window is handled from inside the home. They are not as weatherproof as the storm windows.

Storm window accessories

All storm windows are only made to last for a season. Temporary or disposable storm windows are a good option to consider if you want to reduce energy losses however, you don’t have the cash to do so. Much like replacement windows, storm windows have different glazing options available to prevent UV damage.

Cleaning your storm windows

It is important to know ow to clean your storm windows so that it can be done regularly. Here are some tips:

  • Begin by removing the glass from inside your home.
  • Place them standing upright against wall and hose them down, soap and scrub them. Ensure that you do this for both sides.
  • Allow them to dry.
  • Once the windows are dry, you should spray ammonia on them as it clears the glass.

It is important to invest in storm windows as it saves you money in the long run by protecting your valuable furniture and your family. You should research the benefits of storm windows if you plan on installing one.

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